Celebrating the fourth annual Fall Energy Symposium in Klamath Falls, Oregon
Share your story. Gain perspective. Build momentum.
This 2-day event brought together community leaders, businesses, elected officials, ranchers, farmers, and agency partners to identify strategies that advance clean energy initiatives across Oregon.
Presentations can be found below:
Steve Kandra, Klamath Watershed Partnership, History of the Klamath Project
Mark Johnson, Klamath Water Users Association, The Future of Farming and role of Klamath Water Users Assocation
Scott McCaulou, Farmers Conservation Alliance, The Irrigation Modernization Program
Mason Terry, Modoc Point Irrigation District, Irrigation Modernization in Action
Bill Cronin, Natural Resources Conservation Service, NRCS Programs and Opportunities
Rob Del Mar, Oregon Department of Energy, Energy Storage for Resilience in Oregon
Eklas Hossain, Oregon Institute of Technology, Community Energy Resilience: Additional Strategies and Solutions
Meagan Hartman, Wisewood Energy, Advanced Wood Energy: What, Where, and How
Nick Johnson, Lake County Resources Initiative, Wood Availability and the Role of Natural Resource Organizations
Charlie Coggeshall, EQ Research, Community Solar in Oregon: Design and Outlook
Shannon Souza, SolCoast Companies, Oregon Solar Energy Industry Association, Solar Growing Pains: Land use and Interconnection
Oriana Magnera, Verde, Building an Equitable and Just Energy System
This year's event took us to the beautiful Klamath Basin, a region known for spectacular bird migrations, deep marshes, and snow-capped peaks. It's also where new approaches to energy resilience, farming and irrigation efficiency, forest restoration, and shared renewable projects are taking hold. These initiatives are driven by local leaders creating tangible benefits for a resilient, clean energy economy.
For questions about the Fall Symposium or the Making Energy Work network, please contact Bridget Callahan, Energy Program Manager, at (503) 756-0494 or bcallahan@sustainablenorthwest.org.