Board of Directors

  • John Rose, Chair

    John Rose is retired from Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation. He is passionate about Washington’s great outdoors. It’s a passion that he has carried his whole life, has fostered in his family, and celebrates with his friends. A member of The Nature Conservancy since 1975, John has served on the Board of Trustees of the Washington Chapter since 2000. During that time, he has been Board Chair as well as chaired the Board’s Philanthropy, Nominating & Governance, Executive, Campaign, and Conservations committees. John has been on the Sustainable Northwest Board for the past eight years and has been acting Chairman for the last three.

  • Dr. Kimberlee Chambers

    Dr. Kimberlee Chambers is an Agriculture Program Manager at Earthworm Foundation, an international nonprofit. She works throughout food system supply chains to support farm viability and sustainability initiatives. Kimberlee’s roots in agriculture and conservation run deep — since growing up on a family farm in Ontario, Canada, she has conducted multiple applied agricultural research projects with farmers, Tribes, and First Nation communities in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. She serves as a Board Member for Sustainable Northwest and the Oregon Agricultural Trust.

  • Betsy Cowles

    Betsy Cowles is Chairman and CEO of Cowles Company, a family-owned media, forest products, real estate, and venture company. Betsy also leads the company’s broadcasting and real estate divisions. She has extensive experience in real estate development projects and acquisitions, including leading the redevelopment of River Park Square in Spokane. She has been instrumental in broadcast start-ups, technology centralization, and operational restructuring. Betsy is a member of the board for Sustainable Northwest, the Joshua Green Corporation, and the Washington Roundtable.

  • Dr. Cristina Eisenberg

    As the Oregon State University College of Forestry Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence and Maybelle Clark Macdonald Director of Tribal Initiatives in Natural Resources, Dr. Cristina Eisenberg is a bridge-builder and a helper. As a first-generation student of Raramuri and Western Apache heritage, she is a community ecologist who focuses on recentering Indigenous Knowledge (IK) to advance synergistic approaches to the conservation and stewardship challenges humanity faces. Her long-term goal is to build allyships to steward forests and grasslands, and their fauna, for climate resilience through ecocultural restoration.

  • Martin Goebel

    Martin is the Senior Regional Director for Mexico at LegacyWork Group. Martin is the founder of Sustainable Northwest and led it from 1994-2014. He is currently engaged in private sector initiatives including Infracenters LLC and Long Haul Capital Group. He serves on boards including Rusted Gate Farm, CERCA AC, Cuenca Los Ojos, and ReSiMar AC. He served as co-chair of the Oregon Sustainability Board. He founded and served as trustee of the Fondo Mexicano para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza, and served on the board of the Meso-American Reef Fund, Sustainable Northwest Wood, Inc., Summit Foundation, and Compton Foundation.

  • Stephen Goodman

    As Vice President at Downtown Development Group, Stephen focuses on the company’s ground-up construction and tenant improvement projects across all asset classes. Prior to joining Downtown Development Group, Stephen worked in the Private Bank at JP Morgan and later served as a senior development manager at Lennar Multifamily Communities, where he managed the development of apartment buildings in Seattle and Portland. Stephen graduated from the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin, and currently serves on the board of Sustainable Northwest, with a focus on green building.

  • Allison Hensey

    Allison is the former director of the Willamette River Initiative at Meyer Memorial Trust. She has spent her career in collaborative environmental conservation, working toward thriving communities, rivers, and wildlife habitat through philanthropy, policy advocacy, and cooperative projects. In her work, she has increased the resources available for environmental conservation, strategically bridged funding gaps to increase impact, and supported increased collaboration, critical information sharing, and alignment among groups working to strengthen the human systems protecting landscapes. She has a degree in environmental law.

  • Laura Hazlett

    Chief Operations Officer and Chief Financial Officer at Klamath River Renewal Corporation, Laura Hazlett is a talented and strategic executive with an impressive track record on complex projects that involve multiple stakeholder groups. At KRRC, Hazlett helped oversee the removal of four dams along the Klamath River. Prior to that, Laura spent four years as the Chief Financial and Administrative Officer of the California College of Arts, where she handled strategy, integrated planning, and new initiatives across two campuses. Laura has a PhD in finance from UCLA and undergraduate degrees in Math and Economics from Arizona State University.

  • Dr. Stephen Kelley

    Dr. Steve Kelley is the Emeritus Reuben B. Robertson Professor of Forest Biomaterials at NCSU, where he served as Department Head for 12 years, overseeing graduate students and postdocs. Dr. Kelley led research projects totaling over $21 million and taught courses in Sustainable Materials and Chemistry. He also co-chaired the NCSU Sustainability Council. Prior to NCSU, he worked at the US DOE National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Eastman Chemical Co. He has served on the National Academy of Sciences Board and led CORRIM, and is a trustee with the Kelley Family Foundation.

  • Nat Parker

    Nat Parker is Chief Operating Officer at LoanBridge.AI, which is the leading vehicle tracking platform, allowing banks and their agents to receive real-time data about vehicle events. He also co-founded and served as CEO of GlobeSherpa, a market leader in mobile ticketing technology for public transportation that launched the nation's first multimodal white-label mobile ticketing app, TriMet Tickets, in Portland, Ore. in 2013. GlobeSherpa grew to service 16 transit agency clients in 11 U.S. cities - then merged with RideScout, which evolved to moovel transit.

  • Susie Papé

    As Board Chair of The Papé Group, Susie Papé oversees its five operating heavy equipment dealerships throughout the West. Susie is now guiding the company as it transitions to the next generation of family leadership. As a civic leader, Susie has been extremely generous with her time and resources. Supporting organizations throughout Oregon including Riverbend Hospital Foundation, the UO Museum of Art, served as a UO Foundation Trustee, Crooked River Roundup and Race Board, and Sustainable Northwest. Susie owns a cattle ranch in Eastern Oregon following her family’s traditions. Susie’s family came to Prineville in 1842.

  • John von Schlegell

    John Co-Founded Endeavour Capital. He has worked with companies in the Consumer, Industrials, and Technology & Business Services industries. John currently sits on the boards of Berkeley Research Group, Willamette Valley Company, Portland Bolt & Manufacturing Company, the Oregon Journalism Project, and Sustainable Northwest. John and his wife Fran also own a cattle ranch in the Upper Klamath Basin where they are working with neighboring landowners on long-term restoration efforts.

  • Dudley Slater

    Dudley Slater serves as an Industry Advisor to EQT Partners in New York. Previously, Dudley served as Chief Executive Officer of Integra Telecom. He has experience in a variety of governance, operating and entrepreneurial roles, working with institutional investors and operating companies in the telecommunications, healthcare, banking and media industries. Dudley’s board memberships include Segra, WOW! Cable & Internet, Umpqua Bank, LS Networks and Integra Telecom, Inc.( a company Dudley co-founded in 1996), and Sustainable Northwest.

  • Steve Stadum

    Steve Stadum has been a health care executive for over 25 years. Currently, Steve serves as interim president of Oregon Health & Science University, Portland’s largest employer and Oregon’s only academic health center. Between 2016 and 2024, Steve served as Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer for Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, and on the board of directors of the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. He has served on the board of directors for Volunteers of America, the Portland State University Foundation, the Oregon Children’s Foundation, Portland Streetcar, Sustainable Northwest, and more.

  • Mike Warjone

    Mike is President of US Forestry at Port Blakely. He joined Port Blakely in 1997 and has worked as a Forester, Silviculture Manager, Director of Strategy, and VP of Operations. As a fourth-generation descendant of the company’s founders, Mike brings a deep understanding and commitment to sustainable forest products. He is a strong voice in cross-sector climate policy and helped drive Port Blakely’s entry into the voluntary carbon market. Mike serves on the boards of the Washington Forest Protection Association and Sustainable Northwest, and on the Operating Committee of the National Alliance of Forest Owners.

  • John Wilson

    John Wilson is a fifth-generation Oregonian and is currently the Managing Partner for Beef Northwest Feeders and Wilson Cattle Co. Beef Northwest is a parent company for several diversified agricultural businesses and is one of the largest cattle finishing companies in the Pacific Northwest. Wilson Cattle Co. is a multi-generation ranching and land holding company. John is married to Molly Bunting Wilson. Their two children, Zach and Libby, are both involved with the family businesses as the 6th generation.