Public Forestlands

We unite diverse stakeholders to identify common goals and outcomes for the management of our public forestlands. We helped establish forest collaboratives to find areas of agreement and improve governance on public lands.


 Forest collaboratives are local groups that come together in support of forest management for multiple objectives, participants work together, developing relationships and trust that improves the project and planning process.

Forest collaboratives provide a unique opportunity to build trust and relationships within the local community on our national forests. Through these collaboratives, stakeholders are able to come together to increase the pace, scale, and quality of forest restoration.

We directly facilitate collaboratives across Oregon and Washington, manage the state-wide collaborative networks, and host regional learning exchanges through the Pacific Northwest Workshop.

Featured Projects

  • Sustainable Northwest supports regional collaboratives in Oregon and in Washington. The goals of the Forest Collaborative Networks are to support existing collaboratives, providing a place for peer learning, sharing best practices, and an outreach and advocacy strategy.

    The Collaborative Networks meet monthly and bring participants from a diversity of geographies and forest types together.

  • The Pacific Northwest Forest Collaboratives Workshop is an annual two-day event held in Hood River, OR. This workshop provides space for forest collaborative members, scientists, state and federal partners, Tribes, and others to network, share success stories, and develop solutions to forest management challenges.

    SNW has hosted this workshop for the last 4 years —- click here for upcoming workshops or check out our Past Events listings below for agendas and meeting materials.

  • Sustainable Northwest provides facilitation and coordination for the Darrington Collaborative. The collaborative is made up of the members of the conservation community, local Darrington timber industry, Darrington STEM youth education programs, and representatives from federal, state and local government.

    The Collaborative comes together around shared goals of increasing ecologically sustainable timber harvest under the Northwest Forest Plan on the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest while improving ecological functioning of watersheds and the forest.


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